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Jonna ann~ is this name ugly?

does this name sound terribe for a girl????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you should consider two things regarding a name:

How much difficulty will official records have. Will some agencies spell it one way, others another. It can be very difficult and expensive to make corrections to records later in life. Erroneous records are the bane of genealogists and should be avoided.

Secondly, how the name sounds with the last name included. I realize many woman take their husband's name when they marry, but while young the child can suffer a lot of embarrassment.

For example: Annabelle is a pretty enough name but if one's last name is Lee, she will be teased as Anna Belly. If she is overweight, this can be a problem for a sensitive young girl due to teasing. I suggest you find the boy in your neighbor who is the biggest smart aleck and or bully and see what he can do to the name. I once knew a woman who named her daughter Brittany Danielle. The instant I heard of it I thought of her as Brittany Spaniel.

Good luck with the name!