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Where is Hoepen, Germany?

My ancestor was born in Hoepen, Germany in 1819. I cant find it! Did the town name change? I think it is in bavaria somewhere.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no Hoepen in Germany.
Unified writing standards were not established in Germany until the 1870's.
So it was up to the individual scribe, usually the local priest / parish, to keep records and make entries.
There is:
* Hoopen, Lower Saxony
* Heppen, North Rhine Westphalia
* Heepen, ( a neighborhood in the city of Bielefeld) North Rhein Westpalia
Did the name change since 1819 ?
Very unlikely.
What you have to consider are the local dialects and how they would pronounce Hoepen, and then it was written down the way the scribe would hear it.
Which of the three comes the closest ?
My guess would be Heepen.
Go to these cities and find the Birth, Marriages, and Death records from 1819.
There is a good chance they still exist.