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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do people live 100 yrs old and what are their secret to live?


How do people live 100 yrs old and what are their secret to live?

I have good co-worker who is vivid 76 and her mother lively 96 and her aunt is 102 yrs. I would like to know about their secret to live longer. I'm sure your cousins,mom,grandmother ,great-great grandmother or forefathers are still living anywhere in your country. I would like to hear your fact. I am in the 30's and I am a baby employees. It is a blessing for to live a century.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that heredity is an important factor. The next major factor would be your lifestyle. There was a research done on a small fishing village in Japan where the average resident lives up to the 90's, and they concluded that the steady diet of low fat fish and seaweed help in extending their lives.

I agree with you, being able to see a new day everyday is a blessing and I hope I can live long enough to see all my grandchildren getting married. My grandma (she's 75) now has 13 great grandchildren, man is she lucky!