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How do I find out what origin I am?

I am adopted, and I know nothing about my biological parents, except my biological mother's name and maiden name, but thats it. And I have no idea what origin I am. Or even nationality. Is there a website where I could research this and find it out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Kat,

You can go the way of the family tree, knowing your biological mothers name. That will give you half of your Family Tree, if you get her birth certificate, and trace back her ancestry. Your Father you did not mention - so, don't know if you can even figure that out. If you can, that is a really good way to go. Otherwise, you can take a DNA test that will outline what nationalities you come from. You really need to read about Paternal and Maternal tests, the number of Markers in the test, etc. Sorenson has a free DNA test!

Here are some sites for the DNA, and some Vital Records for your mother: