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Position:Home>Genealogy> What would the title be of my first cousin's children?


What would the title be of my first cousin's children?

Would they be second cousins? I'm confused

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First cousins, once removed. Your children would be their second cousins.
Added: There still seems to be some confusion, so I'll try to explain how it works (although I'm not sure I can do a better job than the site that was linked to).

You and your cousin share the same Grandparents. The first generation after that is your parent and your cousin's parent (siblings); the second generation is you and your cousin (first cousins); the third generation would be you and your cousin's respective children (second cousins). Because you are part of generation two, and your cousin's children are part of generation three, you are once removed. Members of the fourth generation (your cousin's grandchildren) would be two times removed; your cousin's great-grandchildren would be three times removed, and so on.

The same thing will occur with you children and your cousin's children, except their title will be second cousins instead of first, but the removes work in the same way.

There was a great chart I saw once that clearly showed this, maybe on or something, does anyone know where to find it?