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Are you a descendant of anyone famous?

I'm a direct descendant of Danial Boone and only recently learned this. I thought it was very interesting. Anyone else with well-known ancestry?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please Don't laugh ....

BUT ... I could be descended from the couple known as Jack and Jill of the nursery rhyme ......

once when doing some research on the name Gilson( which is a family name and not my name) I came across a site that said Gilson is derived from Jill's sons and like many nursey rhymes there is often some truth in the rhyme ( for example Mary Mary quite contrary was susposed to be Mary Queen of Scots)...

so when Jack and Jill fell down the hill .. their sons were left orphans and that was the beginning of the name .. NOW the time period of this suppossed even was in the 1200 ad in Britain..

I have no idea if indeed there is any truth in the story BUT it sure would be a fine explanation for my clumsiness...... IT'S IN THE GENES
