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Are you a descendant of anyone famous?

I'm a direct descendant of Danial Boone and only recently learned this. I thought it was very interesting. Anyone else with well-known ancestry?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey, I know someone else you are a relative of!!! My Congresswoman from NY (Louise Slaughter) is also a direct descendant of Daniel Boone. I've been in her office in DC, and she has two pictures on her wall. One of Boone, one of Abe Lincoln. She was born in Harlin County, Kentucky, same as Lincoln's.

Anyway, I am a descendant of Davy Crockett, former Congressman from TN, who died as a volunteer at the Alamo. He is a distant cousin. My great-grandmother lived in TN and was born in 1876. She used to tell us great stories when we were children of things he did--some real, some fiction. He was also an accomplished violinist.

You can google "Louise Slaughter" and send her an email, either in her Rochester office or the one in Washington DC. I used to have her direct phone # and rcvd Christmas cards from her for years. She's been in Congress for about 12 terms or so, and is an outstanding individual. I think she would enjoy hearing from you. (I enjoyed your question) Small world, huh?