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Where to find list of 32nd degree Masons?

Where can I find a list of known 32nd degree Freemasons? Somewhere online would be nice...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Vintage X,

There are Freemasons all over the world. Like baseball players, you are not going to find a list of every one in any one place. If you are truly interested, then look up your local lodge on the internet and talk to the people in charge.
Below are listed three Grand Lodge web sites for various locations, you would have to go to each place and ask the Grand Lodge Secretaries. That would be a lot of work.

These 32 degree Masons are among the finest men in the world, donating their time to Hospitals, Cures, giving care to burn victims, and supporting charities all over the world.

Read about the work they do at these sites. There really is not much of a secret to it... Make beter people is the bottom line.