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How do i research relatives in usa circa 1930?

am tracing family tree and found one relative moved to usa sometime in 1920"s.found on census for 1930.would like to find any ancestors

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Learner,

The LDS Family Search site is excellent for some of this. Using GENFORUM is also a good way. There you can work with people interested in the same surname. Birth, Death, Marrigage records - the best linkage of ancestors to parents.

1930 is not long ago, really, and records were kept quite well in the USA then. You can get naturalization records, SSA records, military records and a host of others.

If you trace your lineage back to those ancestors, then you can move forward through the siblings and other relatives. Family tree branches on the Genealogy sites may lead you to living relatives also. There are a variety of techniques for what you are doing, and being so recent, you should have great success!

Finally, the two software packages below are about 30 bucks. You can use either to access family trees on the internet, and I am sure you will find ancestors in the 1900s.