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Who is jan byrczek jazzworld database?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Jardie,

Jan is the president of the Polish jazz federation.

Jan A. Byrczek - Founder of the Jazz World Society

Born in Chelmek, Poland in 1936. He come to the United States in 1977 and became a US citizen in 1987.

Jan Byrczek studied music in Fryderyk Chopin High School and the Academy of Music in Cracov, 1952 - 1961. He was a professional bass player with top jazz bands, extensively touring Poland and Europe in the years 1955 - 1963.

In 1963 he founded the Polish Jazz Society and served as its president until 1973. During his leadership the Society grew into the largest jazz organization of Europe with branch offices in various parts of Poland.

In 1965 Byrczek co-founded the first non-governmental Concert Bureau Agency under the umbrella of the Polish Jazz Society, organized and produced thousands of popular concerts in Poland and East Europe including Soviet Union. He also developed (1963-1972) the Jazz Jamboree Festival in Warsaw into the world-wide known and one of most important annual events in Europe.

In addition, he founded the JAZZ FORUM Magazine, since 1963 published in Polish and English, and served as its Editor-in-Chief until 1981. The first large-circulation international jazz magazine in Europe, the JAZZ FORUM has been the official organ of the International Jazz Federation since 1969.

In 1965, Jan Byrczek initiated the European Jazz Federation, later renamed the International Jazz Federation, and served as its Secretary General in Vienna, Austria, headquarters from 1972 until 1981. Consequently he founded US branch of IJF in New York City, in 1977.

From 1972 till 1985 he was publisher of various jazz magazines and directories. In 1985 he established and still manages the American Music Database and Jazz World Database, the largest computerized jazz information center in the world.

In 1987 Byrczek initiated the Polish American Resources Corporation (PARC), which created in 1989 first private bank with foreign capital in Poland: The American Bank in Poland (AmerBank). Serving as the Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors, and residing in Warsaw in 1990 and 1991 he was instrumental in the development of the bank. In 1992, after completing management contract with Bankers Trust to run the AmerBank, Byrczek returned to USA and is developing computer and internet related database publishing business and other US-Poland ventures.

In March 1998 his Jazz World Society and Jazz World Database are introduced to the global Jazz community on internet