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Anne Hathaway related to Shakespeare?

Does anyone know if Anne Hathaway (not Shakespeare's wife, the actress...) is related, legally or blood to Shakespeare? Considering his wife's maiden name is Hathaway, I would venture to say that if the relation existed it would be a legal and not blood relation.

I found it interesting and was just wondering! :)

Additional Details

6 months ago
Thanks for your responses so far!
As far as Shakespeare's wife changing her name, yes, but she could have had brothers.

I think that it was probably a distant relation but I believe it is there. Anyway, Thanks again

It's going to be so hard to choose which answer as best because all anwers supported differently and while some had good points, others had god points to counter or even to prove the same! Thanks so much though!

And yes, Anne Hathaway is definetly one gorgeous woman ;D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
Thanks for your responses so far!
As far as Shakespeare's wife changing her name, yes, but she could have had brothers.

I think that it was probably a distant relation but I believe it is there. Anyway, Thanks again

It's going to be so hard to choose which answer as best because all anwers supported differently and while some had good points, others had god points to counter or even to prove the same! Thanks so much though!

And yes, Anne Hathaway is definetly one gorgeous woman ;D