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If two people had down-syndrome...?

and they had a child what are the chances the child would have down-syndrome?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Women with DS are fertile. Men with DS have traditionally been considered sterile; however, there have been two documented cases of adult men with DS fathering children.

DS isn't genetic. It's more of an anomoly. Their chances would be as good as anyone elses, about one in every 700. The chances increase with the age of the mother at the time of pregnancy:
Women under age 23—1 in 2,000 births
Women at age 30—1 in 1,300 births
Women at age 35—1 in 400 births
Women at age 40—1 in 90 births
Women at age 45—1 in 32 births
Women at age 50—1 in 8 births