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Genealogy/Family Tree? Help?!?

I'm trying to research my family tree, and i'm just wondering if there is an easy way of doing it?? As well, I'm also wondering if there is an easy way of drawing/mapping out the family tree? Something that is not only simple to do, but easy on the eyes too?

thanks yall!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: here are some tips on how to start researching your family tree:

interview your parents, grandparents and great grandparents about their lives...where were they born and grow up, parents names, grandparents names, any military activity, siblings names etc. oral histories are important but not always one hundred percent accurate, especially if you talking with the elderly who have memory issues. example: my great grandma told us her grandparents were called James and Louisa. We spent countless hours searching on the census for a couple of that named. Turned out that her mother, Emily, was the daughter of a man named James but his wife was Sarah. Her father, Elias, was the son of Jesse and Louisa. My great-grandma was correct but not entirely accurate. Oral Histories are also a great way to learn old family stories and get clues to aid you in your search.

Get two books by Emily Croom: "Unpuzzling Your Past" and "Unpuzzling Your Past: The Workbook." Everything you need to know about doing genealogy effectively and in a timely manner is in the first book. The workbook contains forms for record keeping and family trees. is also a great resource once you know which states and counties your relatives came from.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!