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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out who else my father was ordered to pay child support for?


How can I find out who else my father was ordered to pay child support for?

Searching for my half sister whom I know very little about except her name,her mother's name, and I know we share the same father. I'm not even sure if I'm spelling her last name correctly. Is there a site that could give me information on my fathers' child support payments from 1980-1998?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure if child support payments are public record or not.
I'm not even sure, if anyone could tell you legally or not about your father's child support.

I can tell you, if your sister in in her mid 20's there is a more than 50% chance you can find her or information about her online.

I found my birth father and a half sister searching online.
I have learned a lot about searching for people since I have found
my own family.

I would be willing to help you if your interested.
Feel free to E-mail me. At the very least I can give you some good tips on places to look and cross reference online.

Good Luck!