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Position:Home>Genealogy> I never met my birthfather. I am of mixed ethnictiy. Is there a way to find out


I never met my birthfather. I am of mixed ethnictiy. Is there a way to find out what my mix is?

I am 27 years old. The name on the birth certificate is of my step fathers last name. I have never met any of my real fathers family. My mom did not come from a big family. Her parents and siblings are dead. She tells me I was a product of a one night stand.My mother is white but I know I am mixed because my skin is dark. She will not tell me anything about my birth father except that he is dead. When I ask her anything she changes the subject. I am tired of not knowing what my ethnicity is.I would like to know what my mix is (my heritage) without having to get a dna sample from both parents.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Kristen I know how you feel. I am 57 and I will never truly know, my mom has passed away. She would also change the subject or get mad at me for asking. Other people in the family who are of her age stall and act like I am out of line for bringing it up so I have had no luck there. My suggestion to you would to find out who her friends were back then and ask them ask other relatives that are her age, cousins know more than you think. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your step dad but you could try him. Don't give up ! I will always wonder and my questions will always be unanswered.