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Position:Home>Genealogy> I want to find someone in lancaster where do i start?


I want to find someone in lancaster where do i start?

looking for kevin taylor can you help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: With a common surname like Taylor, you don't want much do you??? If it were me, I'd give it up now as a bad idea unless I was looking for a really unusual name combination!

The best advice has already been given - look up the name on the electoral roll. Be aware though that the "commercial" register (, and other pay websites) do not include everybody because it is possible to "opt out" of this list. To see the "full" list, you do need to visit Lancaster Town Hall. Unfortunately, these registers are arranged by ADDRESS not names, so if you don't know the road this guy lives on, it means manually searching something like 50,000 names all across the district until you find the name you are looking for, and you will probably then discover that there are a lot more Kevin Taylors living in the area than you think there is!!!

It may be worth looking in the phone book, but this again assumes that (a) the guy has a phone and (b) he is not ex-directory. With such a common name, you are really working in the dark. I honestly don't rate your chances.