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Position:Home>Genealogy> Pilcher family from canning town , or marriot road stratford.?


Pilcher family from canning town , or marriot road stratford.?

information ref, florence pilcher .orignally canning town , then aldgate area east london , she had a sister living at marriot road ,stratford until at least the 1970s .i think the sister was married to a mr, quinlan. florence was my mother , she had also two daughters, jean and irene, both daughters born early 1940. my name is john joe mcdiarmaid born 1944.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey John and Sue MCD,

Here are some Pilcher family sites. Perhaps you can make contact with people interested in the same family name, that may know what you are looking for. The first is a search for Family, and contains hundreds of sites.

The second is similar, but includes Aldgate as a search word, this should contain more applicable sites.

The third is the Pilcher GENFORUM site. You can search this for details that someone may already have posted, and you can talk to people from locations nearby with similar interest by posting your questions there. These are people interested in PILCHER.