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How do i find out where my surname comes from?

i am trying to find out where my surname comes from or what it means, are there any websites where you can find out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the top, it gives you a range of options - click on Learning Center.
Then, go down to "Learn helpful information and interesting facts about your surname and more" - click on it. This takes you to a search where you can type in your surname, and search for all the following, including meanings:
Civil War Service
Immigration Year
Life Expectancy
Name Distribution (UK)
Name Distribution (US)
Name Meanings
Newspaper Headlines
Place of Origin
Ports of Departure

It is free- you may have to create an account with them, I'm not sure, because I have one and it recognizes me when I sign in, but I did not give them a credit card or pay anything.

Hope this helps.