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Durham Family history help?

I've been trying to research my husband's family history. I have ordered the certificates of those that I can trace and have received them today. I am abit stumped at the moment with his grandfather because his name is so common.

In the certificate, they got married at St. Paul's in Deaf Hill *** Langdale on January 1923.

The info on the grandfather is as follows:

name: William Groves
age: 30
status: widower
occupation: fitter
father's name: William Groves (deceased)
occupation: joiner

I want to add this parents and former wife on the list but I don't know how to go about it. There are just too many William Groves on the list.

I will appreciate any help on the matter. Thanks in advance.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Werd,

Her is a St Pauls web site that has some of the keywords you mentioned. There is a chat room, contact link, guestbook, forum and more on local websites. Also some notice boards. Perhaps this will help you find your william groves.

A few things would have helped in the research such as the country, and what list is William on? Is Durham a surname or a town?