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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do i find public records for earl rogers in the state of minnesota born in 1


How do i find public records for earl rogers in the state of minnesota born in 1895 in iowa then moved to minn

earl was married 2 times had a son emil and a daughter eleanor i think they lived in minneapolis he was arrested for child abuse and was a drunk his first wife died and i am not sure what happened next. i want to see his records as they affect my life also but i know nothing about his past

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here are some links that might help you:

Death Certificates index search:

Hennepin County page at Rootsweb, with lots of links and info on the county and Minneapolis. It also has a list of volunteers who can do lookups:

Linkopediam's Genealogy links of Minnesota:

Rootsweb Hennepin County, MN genealogy message board. If you post there, someone might have more information on finding what you are looking for:

Good luck!