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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Thomas Hodgetts convict to Aust. bn c1761 Staffordshire England. His


Looking for Thomas Hodgetts convict to Aust. bn c1761 Staffordshire England. His life before Aust-Please?

He was a Second Fleet convict and married Harriet Luce? in England. Believe there were 3 children left in England. They finally settled in northern Tasmania.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I do believe he was known locally as a Tea Leaf.

I think it would be safe to assume he was of the lower or poverty classes and indulged in one or several minor crimes thus was transported.
Honestly, I think you'll find a hard time finding answers. Trace back the tree from the present and try and contact lving memebrs of the family still residing in the UK.