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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm looking for evidence of my mother's father's great grandma was a face and et


I'm looking for evidence of my mother's father's great grandma was a face and etc.?

There's an aspect of my family tree that's incomplete. I don't know exactly where to look for such specific information. Her name was Teacupsea [not sure of the spelling] and she married a German named John Miller and had a daughter named Sarah who married a man with the last name of Cunningham. I'd like to find this woman and her relatives cause this is my mother's side of the family and I'd like to "fill in those blanks". Please help me.

Additional Details

6 months ago
My mother's father died April 9th 1975 when I was 7 and my sister was 10. We don't have photos. All we have is a name.

6 months ago
Since she married John Miller, I would say that her name would be Teacupsea Miller.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
My mother's father died April 9th 1975 when I was 7 and my sister was 10. We don't have photos. All we have is a name.