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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find out a copy of my mum and dads weddin certificate?


Where can i find out a copy of my mum and dads weddin certificate?

mandy derek flecknell

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Linda,

If you know where and when they were married, then you can go to the town/city/county vital records keeper and fill out a request, pay for a copy, and there you have it. If you are not close to that location, they will most likely have a web site, with a form that you can mail (post). Here are some sites that could possibly have some information. If we knew your location this would be easier for us to give you.

You can find the Vital Record at your location online, by going to YAHOO SEARCH, and enter "VITAL RECORD <your location>", where <your location> is the town or city or county where they were married. Cheers.