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How do I view marriage certificates online?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it's for the UK, you can't.

You can order them though, and you find out the necessary information to do so online.

You will need at least one full name, preferably both, and the approxiamate date, and the area/town the marriage took place in if possible, so that you can make sure you've found the right one. Using those, you need to find the register office number and codes: that can be done somewhere like

You will end up with the following, which is required to order the actual cert:
Quarter (ie Jan-March, etc)
District (ie the official name of the registry district)
Volume (usually something like 4a, 3b, etc)

This is the only information that is stored online - it directs someone to the exact spot in the official records which are kept in storage.

Using this information, you can order your cert online at the General Register Office, at They only cost a few pounds, and they take about ten days to arrive, unless you pay extra for express delivery.

Certs are available from 1837, which is when general registry was enforced.