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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who is Mrs. Grace M Forbes ? Resides in Wolfhill Scotland near Perth/ Perthshire


Who is Mrs. Grace M Forbes ? Resides in Wolfhill Scotland near Perth/ Perthshire?

Lives at 2 Fraser Ave Wolfhill Perthshire PH2 6DG . Think has daughter Lindsay (?) who may have graduated this year from University ? Grace may be either married/separated/divorced to "Ian Forbes ?" or someone else? Brown/Black hair...late 40's or 50ish and I think born in August or September but really not sure...
Think one time e mail listed as
Maybe part owner of FlowerShop/Florist? Plays Golf...
Thanks...appreciate your help.You truly are a Sherlock Holmes if can find answer or any information.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As you have all that info, one would ask why you have collected it, and how, if you don't actually know the woman?