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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know of James A. Baker, a pioneer of Florence Oregon?


Does anyone know of James A. Baker, a pioneer of Florence Oregon?

He died in 1939. Suicide they say. He was a rancher who owned beahfront property in Lane County.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Kathra,

This does not look like him, but it mentions oregon, and going back in the search:

Jameson And Keith Ancestry
She was married to James A. BAKER on 24 Aug 1813 in Christian County, Kentucky. ... and Tom Baxter; upon return to Oregon June 10, was rather tired when ...

And there are a bunch more sites, wrong dates, some James A. Baker III from Florence Oregon, perhaps the grandson. Bring up the search provided below, and go to the websites. Over 100 sites.