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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is anyone familiar with the surname Bolopue? Is it French?


Is anyone familiar with the surname Bolopue? Is it French?

This is a family name and my relatives think it's French, but aren't sure. They're also not sure if that's the original spelling. Any info would be appreciated! I can't find any info when I do searches on it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Jenny,

The LDS Family Search site has it in PA mostly. Nothing in europe. None came in via Ellis Island to the states, and does not have it at all. says :
"We have no place of origin data for Bolopue".

Here are some places you can look for yourself.

Somewhat a sales pitch by the web site, the first one below claims to have an immigration record and a bunch of other records. It says it has a free trial, take advantage of that, then get out of it.