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Position:Home>Genealogy> Pennsylvania?



why do so many people born there leave is it the weather or the jobs . i was born there, lived in nj, retired to va and haven't been back to pa . for over 20 years. have family there , but they say they don't even want to be there , but claim they are stuck there , whatever that means.

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6 months ago
va taxes on cheap some jobs available here houses you can get for 10 thousand taxes on that about 30 dollars a year . near axton va . 118 got custom built house on 10 acres 820 taxes 2440 sq.ft.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
va taxes on cheap some jobs available here houses you can get for 10 thousand taxes on that about 30 dollars a year . near axton va . 118 got custom built house on 10 acres 820 taxes 2440 sq.ft.