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Position:Home>Genealogy> Toronto Genealogists: Answer only if you have researched at the Mormon Church's


Toronto Genealogists: Answer only if you have researched at the Mormon Church's family history centre in.....

Toronto, Ontario. Did they let the Toronto Public Library borrow a microfilm or fiche on your behalf as well so that you could research it at the TPL branch instead?
Also, how much did each micofilm cost (lending at the centre)? I am researching Poland and would like to make an appointment with them. Helpful suggestions---not "phone and ask for everything" (from experienced genealogists) for the Toronto, Ontario centre(s) are appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have found that the Gladys Allison Room at the North York Public Library is most helpful. It is a whole FLOOR devoted to genealogy and the people there really do know what they are doing....and if they don't have the information you want they will point you in the right direction to find it. It's just off Yonge...south of Finch.