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Heritage how can it help you understand life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To understand life you have to start asking questions so you can get answers. I view life as a constant learning experience - a way of growing. I grew up listening to stories of the war years and how my parents survived and was always curious to delve further myself.
I've managed to travel to my parents' birth country on numerous occasions and each visit has opened my eyes to something different about who the relatives are, how they survive and cope in a harsher environment than where I live and the type of conditions that shaped my parents' lives before they left their homeland.
A deeper understanding of your background is certainly a good start to understanding life but a person has to want to live life to the full and ask questions in this process. Live and learn I say.
I can only hope that when my time comes to leave this earth I have asked the questions I've wanted to ask, listened to the answers and been satisfied that my search has led me to peace.