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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know Roman and Xenia Sturmer?


Does anyone know Roman and Xenia Sturmer?

They were my great-grandparents and I'm trying to find people who knew them. They immigrated from Russia to the Phillipines in about 1917 (they were menshevic), and from there to the U.S. in the forties. They have 2 children Alexis Sturmer and Natalie Hamel. Roman was a priest at the Green St. Russian Orthodox Church in San Fransisco and Xenia was the matushka. I would appreciate people who knew them to answer, and people who know any really good genealogy websites that deal with things other than U.S. immigration and death/birth certificates (I've tried &
Thank you so very much.

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6 months ago
Xenia died in the 80's. Roman in the 70's. Thank you so much for all of the websites! And yes, I was named for this very special lady.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
Xenia died in the 80's. Roman in the 70's. Thank you so much for all of the websites! And yes, I was named for this very special lady.