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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can you find out what race you are without looking back at youre ancestry?


How can you find out what race you are without looking back at youre ancestry?

im middle eastern but my dad said i could have white and asian ancestry and i want to find out what i am without looking back at my ancestry because im not sure about it. is this possible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, why don't you question him a little more closely about that subject? Why does he say that? Does he have any proof, or is it just heresay? If he knows the names of forebearers, that would help, since a name can usually be placed with a country (e.g. O'Rourke=Ireland, Wang=China or Korea, Albertini=Italy, etc.). Other than that you would need to check the records in places where your ancestors lived--if the records still exist.