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Wanted Melick or Melich?

Is there anyone with the last name Melick or Melich out there? I am from Brazil and we are the only Melich from the Orkut website. If anyone out there know anything about the name let me know please. Peace

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Catia,

Not me, but the web site below is a GENFORUM for that purpose, there is a MELICK GENFORUM - specific to that surname, where you can ask, post, answer, communicate and hook up with distant cousins. There is no forum for MELICH.

Also, just for fun, put MELICK into the ZABASEARCH (searches for any MELICK entries in the USA) and there are too many to list. So, you can take that search, and limit it by State. You might also do well in other countries using similar White Pages, or Infobel searches.