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Position:Home>Genealogy> When it comes to ancestry what does it mean when they use the term 2 times remov


When it comes to ancestry what does it mean when they use the term 2 times removed?

researchimg ancestry and i have been running to the term for example 2 cousin 7 times removed.

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has a chart that might help.

"Removed" means the cousin is up or down from your generation. Your parents' cousins (1st, 2nd, 3rd . . .) are your cousins too, only once removed. Your grandparent's cousins are yours twice removed. Your 1st great grandparents are yours three times removed. 7 times removed would be the cousins of your fifth great grandparents.

It goes "down" too - your first cousin's children are your 1C1R. When you get old enough, your first cousin's grandchildren will be your 1C2R and so on.