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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a relative of Manuel Espada Cajiao in NY or in Galicia, Spain?


Is there a relative of Manuel Espada Cajiao in NY or in Galicia, Spain?

Manuel had 3 brothers, all 3 emmigrated from Spain to Cuba but I'm sure they left behind uncles, cousins, etc. Manuel was born in El Ferrol and served in the Spanish Marine when he was young. He also lived in A Coru㱡 and married Maria Consuelo from Betanzos, A Coruna. They had 3 children, the eldest, Benigno, was born in A Coruna and died there when he was 13 yrs. old. The other two, a boy and a girl (my mother) were born in Cuba, they are all dead now. He had a nephew, Luis Espada married to a Gloria that had a daughter named Alina, who should be approx 55 yrs. old now. We think both are dead now but Alina is probably married, living in NY and using her husband's last name. One niece, Maria Teresa (Tete) is in her late 80s and is living in Miami with her son and his family but doesn't have any knowledge of the rest of the family.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Mary,

You can use ZABASEARCH for yourself and try various names. It works really great in the USA.

For outside the USA, use a YAHOO SEARCH for "White Pages <country>", usually Infobel comes up, but so will other Phone Page services in the country you search for.

Another thing you should do is get a Reunion site together.