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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find a web site to find a free birth certificate at.?


Where can i find a web site to find a free birth certificate at.?

please help me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're looking for someone else's birth certificate, then you need to know the basic rules (and they're federal, so it's the same everywhere).

First, you can only request a birth certificate for a living person if your name is on it as the child or parent. No one else can request someone else's birth certificate.

You can only request a birth certificate on a person deceased in the last 72 years if you are a legal "heir", which is defined as a blood relative. And you need to produce the information, you can't just go fishing.

If you are requesting someone else's birth certificate, then you have to wait 72 years. That is in place to cut down on the instances of people requesting someone's birth certificate in order to assume their identity. If you want a "genealogy copy" (which is an uncertified copy) it's usually between $2-10 for one. If you want a certified copy, it's full price.

There is no way to get a "free" copy. Only county clerks have them and they make a whole lot of money off of genealogy research. No one else can make a copy for you, though if you find a volunteer in a county who is willing to look it up for you, you can get the information off of it.

That's the long and short of it. We all wish our research were cheaper, but alas it's not.