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Need help finding original birth certificate?

I was born is Tennessee ( a long time ago ) then adopted. I would like to find out if I ever had a birth certificate. ( I was born at home in the hills) Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you were legally adopted there was probably a birth certificate filed for you even if you were born at home. you also shouldn't have any problem getting your original birth certificate either.

according to TN state law:

If an adoption was finalized before March 16, 1951, adopted adults age 21 or older, birth parents, adoptive parents, stepparents or legal parents, and birth siblings age 21 or older can receive a copy of the adoption records, which includes the original birth certificate.
If an adoption was finalized after March 16, 1951, adopted adults age 21 or older, birth parents, adoptive parents, step or legal parents, birth siblings age 21 or older can receive a copy of the adoption records, which includes the original birth certificate. They shall not contact or attempt to contact in any manner any of the persons eligible to file a contact veto.

Department of Children's Services
Post Adoption Unit
436 6th Avenue, NW
8th Floor, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1290