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Does geneology really matter?

I used to be into looking up where my family came from. Then one day it hit me- maybe it doesn't matter! I'm right here, right now, and nothing is going to change if I know my great cousin twice removed was an Indian Princess. You know what I mean?
Do you agree?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you don't know where you came from, how will you know who you are? Granted a lot of people grow up without any idea who they are and they do fine. But it is nice to be able to pass on to your children something about their ancestry. Most people like being a part of something and a family is usually a nice thing to be part of. Not necessary, but nice.
By the way, this "Indian Princess" thing was a European affectation. None of the men wanted to admit they had married a native woman, so they all said they married a Princess. Ask yourself, why would a Princess marry a foreigner? The native Americans did not have that kind of hierarchy. No Kings, no Queens and no Princesses.
I know that because I know I am 1/4 Cherokee and have studied native American history because I was curious about my own ancestors.