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The lost sibling????

i had come across papers which marked a name of a boy on it to which none of my family are related to at all (mother or father) nor is his surname similiar.i found this strange as i'm sure on of them would have told us (divorced now) the weird thing being on a second set of papers the boys name was not there and everyone seems oblivious to this happening.

could this have just been a major typo as i'm sure people who keep family records wouldn't be that careless at typing that kind of information.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, in the last 2 years I have uncovered so many family secrets it's like a soap opera. Could this child have been born out of wedlock or from a previous marriage in which no family member is willing to acknowledge? (both have happened in my family) I would keep drilling family members. There is always that one family member who will eventually crack and spill the story. If I were in your shoes, and I have been, I would not consider it a mistake, but a fact of your family history. Do you have a birth date of this child? Any clue what city or state this child might have been born in? It might be possible this child was given up for adoption. Most birth parents are allowed to name a child before the adoption. If you need any more advice with info you have, just let me know and I"ll give you more helpful hints for online research.