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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any "Livermore's" out there?


Are there any "Livermore's" out there?

Livermore is an English name, and with it came a whole bunch of English pride. My grandfather passed away in 1980, taking his family history with him. As the "bastard" child of a young English girl, he was always ashamed of his beginnings and refused to tell his children or grandchildren her name, his father's name, or anything that might give his family some sort of connection to our ancestors. I'm just wondering how many Livermore's are out there and where they came from.. I know I'm related (very distantly, and in a way that's never been quite clear to me), to Cosabee (Jesse) Livermore, known as the Great Bear of Wall Street. Apparently he was one of the greatest traders ever, and one of the greatest financial losers in the fall of the stock exchange in 1929. I'm not necessarily ready to start tracing my family tree - a little daunting considering this is the only information I have.. but I'd love to hear from any other Livermore's out there. Thanks!

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5 months ago
Man, I hate how this system takes perfectly legitimate works and replaces them with asterisks.. For those wondering, the censored word is b@st@rd.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
Man, I hate how this system takes perfectly legitimate works and replaces them with asterisks.. For those wondering, the censored word is b@st@rd.