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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where would i find the best free site to look up death records?


Where would i find the best free site to look up death records?

I am searching for someone and I am not sure they even exist. Anyway I dont want to pay for a site if i am not even sure that the person exists. So hopefully someone can help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a general hint. Even though you go in through YA Canada, YA Australia, YA UK or YA USA, all of the questions go into one big "pot" and get read by everyone in the world who speaks English. Most of the people here are in the UK and USA, but you sometimes get questions and answers from people who worry about kangaroos eating their roses. So - put a nation, or, better yet, if you are asking about a specific individual, a nation and a state / province in all of your questions. It will help people help you.

United States only:
(Social Security Death index - click on "Advanced".

United Kingdom Only:
(Free Birth, Marriage & Death Records, but mostly from before 1900)
California Death Records from 1940 thru 1997