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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to find a obituary on annie florence stone born in 1926 and died in 2007?


Trying to find a obituary on annie florence stone born in 1926 and died in 2007?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Use Google to find the newspaper that serves the town; an argument of town and the word "newspaper" should do it:
[Denver newspaper].
You'll need to add the state for some cities:
[Springfield Missouri / Illinois / Oregon. . . Newspaper].

Once you find the newspaper's web site, poke around. Some have all the obituaries under "Obituaries", some have the older ones in "Archives". Some don't use either of those terms. Some newspapers leave obituaries on-line forever, some for a year, some for just 7 days. Some charge for older articles, be they obituaries or not.

If the person' name is rare, try a combination of exact phrase and an additional word in Google:
["Abraham Lincoln" Obituary]
["Lincoln Abraham" Obituary]
(The exact punctuation may not show in some fonts. You have to enclose the name in quotation marks, and you have to try both forms of the name.)