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Need info on genealogy computer programs?

i would like to purchase a new genealogy computer program, but i am unsure of which one is the best.
i have seen printouts of other peoples genealogy with the following type of information when printed out.
John Doe (followed by his father James Doe and the generation number) followed by his father's name Jacob Doe and etc.

what is the name of this type of page and what type of program has it.?
thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The "best" depends on if you use Mac or PC, your skill level, what you want to pay and which continent you live on.

For PC users in the USA, Family Tree Maker ($39), Roots Magic ($29) and PAF (free) make good choices.

They will all generate reports, either ancestors of or descenandts of, once you get the data into them. If your description means:

"John Doe 4 (Thomas 3, Richard 2, Harold 1), where Harold is the starting point in "Ancestors of Harold Doe)", Richard is his son, Thomas his grandson and John his g-gs, I think FTM will do it. I like Roots Magic better, but my personal preferences are not Universal Truths. RM makes handsome reports, and thrie custom reporting is superb, but they don't have that particular format. You can Google [Genealogy Software Comparison] to get a wide range of opinions. has forums for several software packages. You can look at them and see what sort of problems people have.