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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find the burial place of Alfred Borrell born around 1891 last know add


How can I find the burial place of Alfred Borrell born around 1891 last know address 1248 Washington Ave NY NY

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would suggest that you narrow down your search by determining exactly when Alfred died. The fastest way to do this is to look up his name in the Social Security Death Index. You can do this for free at Simply put his name in the search engine. If there is a record, you should know within minutes. The information you'll get will be the year of his death and the location where his last Social Security check /death benefit was sent. This information should also give you the exact year of his birth.

Next I would go to World Connect, which is a collection of family trees submitted by individuals. The link to World Connect is also found at rootsweb's main page. Again, put his name in the search engine. You may find someone who has uploaded his family tree, and you'll be able to find the information there--also there is an email link to the person who submitted the tree, so you can correspond with them directly.

If Alfred isn't in World Connect, go to the Borrell surname message board, which can also be linked to via rootsweb. Submit a query, and be willing to be patient. I have gotten replies to queries I wrote years ago, and sometimes I've gotten replies that very day.