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Position:Home>Genealogy> What year were your grandparents born?


What year were your grandparents born?

mine were born in 1881 and 1890 (on my mom's side) don't know about the ones on my dad's side

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: On my dad's side: his dad 1906 (died 1980), his mom 1908 (died 1946), his step-mom (after his mom died) was born in 1922 (died 1999).

On my mom's side: her dad 1919 or 1920 (died 2001), her mom 1921 (still living).

My dad was one of the youngest of his siblings and my mom was one of the oldest of her siblings, that's why they matched up at one year difference even though their parents are more than 12 years difference from each other's.