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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do you find a person's marital and dvivorce history?


How do you find a person's marital and dvivorce history?

I have SSN, several past addresses, and her married names. (She was married twice.) But I want to find out info about her first marriage (esp. the divorce) and anyone I could ask is now deceased. So far all I can think is call around to all her previous home counties and start asking, but is this info even public, or will they just tell me to take a hike?

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5 months ago
There are lies being told about someone I care about and the only way I can clear his name is by proving her to be a liar. To do that I need to know when she was married to hubby #1 and if they ever got divorced. He was taken advantage of for years and I want to air the truth for his sake.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
There are lies being told about someone I care about and the only way I can clear his name is by proving her to be a liar. To do that I need to know when she was married to hubby #1 and if they ever got divorced. He was taken advantage of for years and I want to air the truth for his sake.