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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Peter Douglas White.Lost contact .?


Looking for Peter Douglas White.Lost contact .?

Born approx 1939-1940
Born Aberdare. Mid Glam. S Wales
First employes British Rail Cardiff

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well ive checked the online phone directory and he isn't listed.

So what I would do next is write a letter addressed to him. Take it to your local social security office and ask them to see if he is on the system. They won't tell you if he is or not but you could ask them to forward the letter to him IF you offer to pay the postage. You could show them the contents of the letter you are sending just so they know you are not after him for money etc...

They can only say no. Also you are not asking for details they are not allowed to give you anyway.... i.e. The data protection act etc..

Hope you find him.

PSS: The only other suggestion or after thought I had was you could go to a main library in Cardiff and search the electoral roll.