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Looking for an old pen pal?

I had a pen pal from Ohio named Carri Mariner Pearson DiLello. I lost contact with her about 12 years ago. Do you know if she is still around?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. google her name, and anything that you remember her doing that might single her out from the crowd.

2. Join a find old friends website, there are plenty of them, you might get lucky!

3. Write to her old address if you have it. Dont write her name on the envelope cos if she doesnt live there anymore itll be binned! Inside write a quick note asking for some help - you never know . . .

I found my old friend recently by googling her name, then I found her mums email on some website, and from that got her email, and now were back in touch.

Good Luck