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Position:Home>Genealogy> Born a smuthwaite in howdenshire?1965 then given up for adoption?


Born a smuthwaite in howdenshire?1965 then given up for adoption?

could you be related or are you maybe my birth mother?you choosed diane as a name 4me! and yr mam put a st christopher around my neck!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello bounce bounce, I have done a very quick search for you and I believe I may have found your birth mum for you. Her name is listed as June M Smurthewaite she was actually born in HOWDEN as well, that's if I have the right lady. If I haven't and have got your hopes up I am really sorry, but if I have if you would like to email me I will reply personally as I have more information for you. Was you born in Jan/Feb/Mar quarter in 1965 in HOWDEN. Please get in touch, I don't like putting the information out until you have read it your self, take care, hope to hear from you soon Diane (mamsgel1956).