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For Those Of You That Believe In A God Or Creator.. I Have A Question?

Why is it that you think that God or the creator answers some prayers and others aren't answered?I had questions tonight chatting with a friend.I had begged God so many times for things that I was so serious about ..prayed and prayed and ask.. with no answer.. and other times I prayed thinking it was a silly request but yet got a direct answer and also happened the way I prayed for..Why ?What is God so selective about answering prayers .Some of mine have been so senseless or basically meaningless yet answered when ask about issues in the world..people are still starving and dying and bad things are happening and the prayers there are not answered yet a simple prayer that was ask in a moment of selfishness was..Then I pray for something that would seem to be effortless then its not answered when it was and is more important than prayers in the past..Is God just tired of me praying or does God answer what is important to God..Just a thought.. ?

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5 months ago
Im not sure everyone understood what I was saying..It was just for curiosity that I asked.I am a firm believer in God or Creator..There is no issues with that.I only wanted perspective on what everyone thought about what I ask.I don't doubt God's decisions about anything I feel that down the line somewhere there is a reason.My question was only for thoughts brewing on my mind and wondering why most people thought this or that happened.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
Im not sure everyone understood what I was saying..It was just for curiosity that I asked.I am a firm believer in God or Creator..There is no issues with that.I only wanted perspective on what everyone thought about what I ask.I don't doubt God's decisions about anything I feel that down the line somewhere there is a reason.My question was only for thoughts brewing on my mind and wondering why most people thought this or that happened.